Creative Vision in Animation
Animatick, a London-based independent studio led by award-winning director and producer Merve Cirisoglu, specializes in crafting impactful animated stories. Our work, spanning 2D original animated shows, commercials, short films, educational creative projects, music videos, and branded content, possesses a vivid and distinct voice from concept to completion.
Selected clients and partners we are proud to have worked with
Top Filmmaker • Grand Prize • Best International Short Film • Special Prize • International Kindness Award • Best Animation • Jury Award • Winning Short Film • Honorable Mention • Courage Prize
Merve Cirisoglu is an award-winning animation director, producer, writer, and senior artist, passionate about creating inventive productions that deeply resonate with young audiences. Her animations have been screened at over 250 international film festivals, won 45 prizes, been broadcast on TV channels and streaming platforms, and amassed more than 35 million views on social media.
Since 2016, she has been creating projects from concept to completion, managing creative projects, budgets, and leading teams of global creatives. Recognized by the United Nations, she was invited as a top filmmaker to present her movie about the story of refugee children at the UN Headquarters.
In addition to her professional journey, she has been volunteering for disadvantaged children since 2011 and leading thousands of volunteers. She is the founder and chairwoman of the Iyilikhane Association for Children, whose activities have been featured in national and international media and awarded with a "Courage Award", a "Communicator Award", and an "International Kindness Award". She has shared the background stories of her animated shorts on the TEDx stage and at various film festivals in the UK, Greece, Pakistan, Georgia, Turkey, and Spain.
TEDxReset Talk | 2017 | "Do Something Beautiful / Bir Şey Yap, Güzel Olsun"
Merve Cirisoglu shared the background stories of her animations and her motivations on the TEDx stage in 2017.
As featured in...
• Featured in Unsung Archives, a platform based in Portugal that connects inspiring stories with worthy causes through the creativity of artists and storytellers.
• Featured in Star, a high-circulation Turkish newspaper, in 2019, talking about using animation as a tool to spread goodness.
• Featured in Sade Soda Magazine (Turkish) in 2018, talking about the motivation behind the Bookmark Project as a story of active kindness.
• Featured in Nihayet Magazine, which combines the voices of the East and the West with unique content (Turkish) in 2018, talking about the background story of The Box.